Saturday will be loud at FOKL. Not in a bad way. In a way that shakes your core and makes you want to say “Yeahh!!!” and definitely a 180 degree turn from the throbbing electro that you will be dancing to on Friday at FOKL.
Karma Vision kick off the night with it’s brand of indie goodness. Hopefully we will hear them perform new songs from their ambitious “release one single per month” song cycle.
Snake Island! play teenage blues in classic garage rock style.
Bloodbirds have a new vinyl record. Their post punk take on psych will get you going. And grab that vinyl.
Comoros are a duo that planned a whole tour around stopping here for our festival. Bring some chalk and mark the floor in front of the stage as your place to stand and get enveloped in waves of synth, distortion, chaos and inner peace.
I heard Expo 70 practicing some new tunes for you. They are heavy riffage but hang on, they have some great drone moments to counter the RIFFS.
Conquerors will close out the night with swirly guitars as they perform their blown-out speaker garage rock. ENERGY is what they have on stage. You will too.